In this post, you can get access to two free eBooks. These books comprise a dictionary of Generals of the Mexican Revolution. They may be of help in your genealogy research.
These eBooks are in Spanish. Volume one contains surnames from A-L and Volume two M-Z.
How to Know If Your Ancestor Was In the Mexican Revolution
The best way to find out is through family stories and or family documents. The Mexican revolution was just a little over one hundred years and family stories have been passed down. These stories are either of deeds done by your revolutionary ancestors and or atrocities conducted to your family by them. War is war, and it is not nice.
For example, my grandfather was born in 1917 and thus was just a baby towards the end of the Mexican Revolution. But, he used to tell that his father, Eusebio Garza, used to steal cattle in South Texas and sell them to Pancho Villa. The story seemed far fetched since he was from Tamaulipas. Then I met the local historia for Los Aldamas, Nuevo Leon, Mexico and he told me that it is very possible that it is true. He made me realize that Eusebio's ranch was just 10 miles from the border and another 10 from Los Aldamas. For periods during the Mexican Revolution, Los Aldamas and the railroad that passes through was controlled by the Villistas. Was he a Villista or did he just took advantage of a way of making money illecetly?
Unfortunatly we have no records proving any service of his in the Mexican revolution. Many families may have penssion paperwork, letters, and or medals for their revolutionary ancestors. Ask you elders!
How To Use These Books
Look for Ancestors/Generals: If you have any ancestors that were of the right age and or lived during 1910-1921 make sure to search for their names in these books. Also, if you have a family story of an ancestor serving under a specific general then look for that general so you can read about their actions during the war and get an idea of were your ancestor fought.
Use for Regional Research: I am using these eBooks to do regional research by identifying every General that was born in Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas. I am then doing genealogy research and adding them to my database.
Here Are the eBooks

I hope you find these eBooks helpful in your research and even if you don't make sure to get copies and add them to your digital library.