July 22, 2020

Descendants of the Oñate Expedition
Last Names of Nuevo Leon

Many Hispanics and Mexican Americans are descendants of the members of the Oñate Expedition. This expedition took place in 1598 and it explored the territory that is now New Mexico. 

I myself are one of those descendants. My ancestors Alonso de Sosa and Beatriz Navarro were part of the expedition. 

Alonso was murdered, some say that it was under the orders of Oñate but who knows. His widow married Bernabe de las Casas, another member of the expedition. I descend from children of both marriages through different lines.

Many people of the expedition remained in New Mexico but many more went back to what is now Mexico.

Bernabe and Beatriz ended up in el Nuevo Reino de Leon wich eventually became present day Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

Facebook Group for Descendants

Today, I had the pleasure of talking and recording a presentation by Gary de Leon. He is the administrator of a fascebook group dedicated to descendants of the Oñate expedition.

The group is appropriately named "Descendants of the Oñate Expedition" and you can visit it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/328141324257860/

It is a great resoruce for any one wanting to share information about their ancestors who were part of the expedition. Also, it is a great place to read about resources to help you find more about the men, women, and children that partook in the expedition.

Gary's presentation ""Am I related to an expedition member of the Onate Expedition?" will be posted on Las Villas del Norte website on July 26, 2020. You can read more about the presentation here: https://lasvillasdelnorte.com/presentation-the-onate-expedition/

If you are also a descendant of a member of the Oñate expedition let us know in the comment section below.

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Photo Source: FlickrNEW MEXICO San Juan Pueblo DonJuan De Onate/ First Govenor of New Spain

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The 7th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference will be September 11-13, 2024

About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog Mexican Genealogy, and my personal blog We Are Cousins. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on facebook. To contact me or book me for a presentation, buy my books, and or learn more about me visit my personal website at www.moisesgarza.com.

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Villarreal Last Names of Nuevo leon

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  1. My research says that I am related to numerous colonists: Bernabe de las Casas’ 11th grandfather; Diego de Villarreal, 10th grandfather and some Onate still uncovered.These connections are through my grandmother Flavia Garza Naranjo.

  2. Hi, I am a descendant of Juan de Onate and his wife Isabel de Tolosa Cortés de Moctezuma. I am very excited to learn more about my heritage. Is Onate’s colony in New Mexico considered the first European colonization in the U.S.?

  3. Regarding descendants of Oñate Expedition – Our ancestor Marcos de Zamudio is a recorded and documented participant in this expedition. He was of Basque heritage and son of Martin de Zamudio from Biscay and town of Zamudio, Spain.

    Hopefully, you have more information in regards to your research on Oñate Expedition concerning our ancestor Marcos de Zamudio. Or, can recommend other sources for more historical information.

    Thanks in advance for any feedback or assistance you can provide.

  4. I am a descendant of both Onate and De Las .Casas. while in Santa Fe, New Mexico at their history museum I came face to face with Onates display. Very interesting that he was the first mayor of Santa Fe. It was a beautiful snowy December day almost on Christmas. My husband and also had Hinojosa ancestors. Thanks for sharing.

  5. It took me a long time to find the relationship, and Cousin Ernest C Montoya who gave me the connection. Now I can take it all the way back to Bartolommeo Montoya. This connection is through my dad Juan Jose Daniel Montoya, he just turned 91 yesterday, his dad was Juan Jose Montoya, his dad was David Montoya. From here I have to go look up he rest of the names, I don’t have them memorized!

  6. I’m a descendant of Pedro Gomez Duran y Chavez, who I understand was on one of the expeditions of Juan de Onate into New Mexico.

  7. My 9th Great Grandfather, Captain Alonso Nunes de Hinojosa was a member of Don Juan de Onate expedition 1598 – 1608. Captain Alonso was a native of Plasencia, Spain and he had a red beard and was in good stature.

    1. Nine generations are fewer than 200 years. Onate was 422 years ago so this isn’t possible. A generation in the USA is currently at 25.4 years but people married and had children 5-8 years earlier
      in the 16th century making for even more generations per century.. The life span in the 16th century was less than 50 years

  8. I am a member of Gary’s group, and a descendant of one of Onate’s colonists — Capitan Hernan Martin Serrano, as are many Hispanic people in New Mexico. We are very proud of our deep roots in New Mexico, but many of us lack information about our families’ origins in Mexico. We know that our families often came from the norther “silver towns”, but specific links are often hard to establish. After all, that was 400 years ago!

  9. Hola 👋🏻 my great grandmother was De Oñate from Zacatecas and I suspect I may be related to the Oñate expedition. I have only found records from my ancestors up to 1758. Some help and exchange of information would be greatly appreciated. Best regards from Yucatan

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