If your Mexican Ancestors ever fought in Mexico’s fight for independence from Spain or the Mexican Revolution then the following book, Great Battles of Mexican Independence and Revolution, may be worth looking at. It was commissioned by the Mexican government’s military agency called SEDENA. It is my hopes, as with any other Historical book that I recommend to you, that this book sheds some light into your ancestors past and also may it help you get an idea of what their life might have had been.
As the book, “Grandes Batallas de la Independencia y la Revolucion Mexicana” mentions, Mexicos’ history cannot be defined without first knowing it’s military history and this book does a good job at it. It is available for free and hosted at SEDENA’s website. The only thing is that you will need to know how to read Spanish since this book is written in Spanish. Please do take the time to download this eBook and add it to your collection.
Cover of Great Battles of Mexican Independence and Revolution
Battles Mentioned in this Book
Grito de Independencia
Toma de la Alhóndiga de Granaditas
Batalla del Monte de las Cruces
Batalla del Puente de Calderón
Sitio de Cuautla
El Sitio del Fuerte de San Diego, Acapulco, Gro
Batalla de Valladolid
Batalla de Ciudad Juárez, Chih
Rebelión Orozquista
Decena Trágica y el Sentido
Batalla de Torreón
Batalla de Zacatecas
Batalla de Orendáin
Batalla de Celaya
Consolidación de las Instituciones
Get a Copy of Great Battles of Mexican Independence and Revolution
Below you will find two links one is for the cover of the book and it’s index and the other one if for the rest of the book. I used a program to put it all together into one pdf file but that is just for me.
Here are the Links:
I hope that you enjoy reading this book.
Dear Moises,
I would like to order “Grandes Batallas de la Independencia y de la Revolucion Mexicana”. There is no indication of how to pay on the Sedena site you provided. Please let me know I can do this. I also ordered the book about”Mexican Genealogy Research and I have not received it. Please help. Thank you.
Aida Mueller
[email protected]
Hello Aida, “Grandes Batallas de la Independencia y de la Revolucion Mexicana” is an eBook available for free on the indicated page. As for Mexican Genealogy Research it is also an eBook and you should have had received an email with the link to download it. It is also only available in electronic format. I have sent you an email with it attached.
As a mexican myself i say is a lot to unfold on the history on Mexican Independence, lot of smoke and gaps on history, need to go deep into it to create a useful opinion