The quest for your ancestors will lead you to many places. Especially if you are doing your research online or offline. One of those resources is The Pablo L. Martinez Historical Archives better known as Archivo Historico Pablo L. Martinez Baja California Sur. I recently came across it and it seems to hold great promise but the only bad thing is that the documents that it holds are not available online, but they do have a catalog listing their inventories.
So if you or your ancestors are from Baja California this resource is worth checking out. Some of these catalogs do include names of people and also names of places. What caught my eye was that on their colonial period catalog Monterrey, Nuevo Leon is mentioned in probably 100 documents or so.
Screenshot of The Pablo L. Martinez Historical Archives Website:
How to Access The Pablo L. Martinez Historical Archives Document Catalogs
On the main page click “Acervos” located on the top navigation bar. After that click on “Documental” and at the very bottom of that page you will find some drop down boxes. Just chose what is of interest to you and then you will get the corresponding catalog. here is the link to go straight to that page.
This is very limited but at least you are now aware that this archive exists for Baja California. Another thing that you can do is to try and contact them and see if you can get a digital copy of a document, that is if you find one that you are interested in. Most archives provide services to offer copies of documents.
Don’t forget to explore the website fully and click on all of its links to see what else if offered.
Visit The Pablo L. Martinez Historical Archives Website:
Let me know what you think about this resource in the comment area of this blog post.
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